The polar bear cub Vicks walks under mother

The polar bear cub Vicks walks under mother Olinka's legs at the Blijdorp Zoo in Rotterdam, March 17, 2011. The zoo allowed public access to the cub, born on December 6, 2010, for the first time on Thursday. Vicks is the first Polar bear born in Blijdorp Zoo in 14 years.

The polar bear cub Vicks walks under mother Olinka's legs at the Blijdorp Zoo in Rotterdam, March 17, 2011. The zoo allowed public access to the cub, born on December 6, 2010, for the first time on Thursday. Vicks is the first Polar bear born in Blijdorp Zoo in 14 years.

The polar bear cub Vicks stands next to its mother Olinka at the Blijdorp Zoo in Rotterdam, March 17, 2011. The zoo allowed public access to the cub, born on December 6, 2010, for the first time on Thursday. Vicks is the first Polar bear born in Blijdorp Zoo in 14 years.

source: Daylife
photo: Reuters


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