Barking mad! Meet the woman who spends £15,000 a year raising her six bulldogs like CHILDREN


Walkies! Karen Chamberlain takes a trip with Lady Lola, eight, Princess Tia, six, Baby Gracie, three, and one-year-old puppies Angel Star, Scarlet Sky and Lil Belle

A dog-loving woman has revealed she spends £15,000-per-year raising her six British bulldogs like children - with their own wardrobes, organic diets and beauty regimes.

Karen Chamberlain, 49, and partner Peter Dowling, 48, have christened their six bulldogs 'fur kids' and feed them only organic food with daily vitamin supplements.

The dog-mad pair dress their bulldogs, who each have their own wardrobes, in skirts, hats, tiaras and angel wings, and take them out for walks on matching pink leads.

Smile: From left to right are Princess Tia, Lady Lola and Baby Gracie

Lady Lola, eight, Princess Tia, six, Baby Gracie, three, and one-year-old pups Angel Star, Scarlet Sky and Lil Belle also use special canine shampoo and beauty products daily.

The pack cost Karen and Peter over £1,225 a month, which equates to a staggering £14,700 a year.

But Karen, the dogs' full-time carer, insists treating the pack like children is 'normal' despite revealing plans to move to a bigger house to cope with more puppies.

Canine in the closet: Karen chooses a pink frock for one of her 'fur kids'

She said: 'It's like having six teenage girls really. They can get a bit hyper but if any of them misbehave they get put in the sin bin.

'I've bought them all special beds, but they still insist on coming and sitting on the sofa with us. I had to buy a new sofa this week so we can all fit on.

'Bathtime is mental in this house. I aim for two in the bath at one time. They have doggie shampoo and then a blow dry.

'They eat raw organic foods and instead of doggie treats which have lots of rubbish in them they get dried apricots which they love.

source: dailymail


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