Family reunited with missing cat after six years... when they looked on rescue site for a new pet


Stroke of luck: Ian Kirkwood with Sar Chi, who went missing six years ago from the family's home in Wallingford, Oxfordshire

A family whose cat went missing six years ago were stunned when they searched an animal rescue centre's website for a new pet - and found their old moggy.

Four-year-old tabby Sar Chi disappeared from his home in Wallingford, Oxfordshire in 2005.

Owner Ian Kirkwood, 45, and his family put up dozens of posters in their neighbourhood but their missing moggy never returned.

Lost and found: The Kirkwood family recognised the markings on Sar Chi, who is now 10, when they were looking at the website of an animal rescue site

Two weeks ago the family decided to adopt a new cat and searched the website of the nearby Lewknor Blue Cross rescue centre for a suitable pet.

Imagine their shock when they saw a picture of a 10-year-old cat called 'Mr Darcy' which was identical to Sar Chi.

Mr Kirkwood contacted the centre and took old pictures of Sar Chi to compare with the cat on the website, which confirmed it was his missing pet - and they promptly adopted him.

He said: 'It was incredible to find him after so long.

'Sar Chi went missing one Sunday night and never came home in the morning.

'My boys were really upset. We put up posters around the area where we live, but we never had any sightings of him.

source: dailymail


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