Health Checking, six gorillas

Members of the Veterinary Services Department within the Chicago Zoological Society examine Binti Jua, a 22-year-old female western lowland gorilla, as the team performs physicals on two of the Brookfield Zoo's six gorillas, Thursday, March 10, 2011, in Brookfield, Ill. During the physicals performed every couple of years, the team draws blood to test cholesterol, metabolism, kidney and liver functions, performs dental and eye exams, takes radiographs of the chest and abdomen, and the team also does a cardiac ultrasound.

Members of the Veterinary Services Department within the Chicago Zoological Society examine the teeth of Binti Jua, a 22-year-old female western lowland gorilla in an examination room

Members of the Veterinary Services Department within the Chicago Zoological Society perform radiographs of Binti Jua, a 22-year-old female western lowland gorilla

The hand of Bakari, a 6-year-old male western lowland gorilla rests on an examination table as members of the Veterinary Services Department within the Chicago Zoological Society perform physicals on two of the Brookfield Zoo's six gorillas, Thursday, March 10, 2011

source: Daylife
photo: AP photo


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