With a well-tuned palate for fine fish dining, this plucky Osprey always prefers to splash out on his supper.
In an awesome display of precision flying the raptor spots a fish from the air and swoops down to snatch it cleanly out of the water.
After diving deep below the water's surface, the fearsome bird then reverses its trajectory and takes off to the skies again with the fish firmly clutched in hits talons.
Boasting a 2m wingspan, Ospreys, which are common in Britain, live on a diet mostly consisting of medium-sized fish.
Due to this the birds of prey have become uniquely adapted to the challenges of catching their favourite feast.
To begin with the Osprey will fly above the water's surface in order to locate a fish.
Once it spots its prey the bird hovers momentarily before executing a near vertical, feet first plunge into the water.
This dive can send the Osprey up to one metre deep beneath the surface with the unlucky fish caught tight in its talons. To assist with their hunting strategy Ospreys have closable nostrils.
Anyone for take-away? After making something of a splash, the Osprey beats its huge wings with the fish firmly clutched in hits talons
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