It was a scene that perhaps wouldn't have made the final cut of King Kong.
This lowland gorilla shares a moment of quiet reflection with a tiny mallard duckling, who seems fairly nonplussed about being in the presence of one of nature's most powerful beasts.
The heart-warming image is among Nature's Best Photography Magazine's wildlife photograph winners for 2010.
A stunning image of a frolicking bear in the woods and a dramatic scene of a hummingbird facing down a deadly viper were also among the winners of the competition, which received more than 25,000 entries.
The awards began with simple yet dynamic goals: to celebrate the beauty and diversity of nature through the art of photography, and to use it as a creative tool for encouraging greater public interest in outdoor enjoyment and conservation.
The annual Windland Smith Rice International Awards programme is among the most highly-respected and visually compelling nature photography competitions in the world. The Grand Prize was won by Tom Cairns for his shot of an Osprey grabbing a fish from a lake in southern Finland.
Western Lowland Gorilla and Mallard Duck, Bronx Zoo, New York, U.S.
'While mallards are commonly found throughout North America and across Eurasia, the peaceful, family-bound gorillas are highly endangered and struggle with loss of habitat, poaching, and disease. Scientists are working with the Republic of Congo government to establish a national complex of protected areas. This zone is among the most important for western lowland gorillas of equatorial Africa. The Bronx Zoo helps raise funds for the Wildlife Conservation Society to protect these magnificent primates.
'Upon arriving at the Bronx Zoo's Congo Gorilla Forest exhibit, I noticed there was an excitement among those viewing the animals. We all watched with amazement as a tiny duckling wandered among the huge western lowland gorillas, who eyed the fuzzy visitor with curiosity. The duckling did not seem the least bit intimidated and for good reason, as Africa's gentle giants eat mostly fruits and plants. How fortunate I was to witness a wonderful moment between two unlikely friends.'
Camera: Nikon D80; 180mm /2.8 lens; B+W clear UV haze filter; 1/200 sec at /2.8; ISO 640; hand-held.

Osprey (Kangasala, Tampere, Finland)
'Ospreys are a major European conservation success story. The species has recovered from its endangered status, breeding near fresh and salt waterways throughout much of the continent a clear indication that conservation efforts work. During summer months, these raptors may be seen hunting over rivers, lakes, and estuaries before diving into the water talons outstretched to catch their prey.
'While photographing in southern Finland on assignment for the Wild Wonders of Europe project, one of my goals was to document this behaviour. After countless attempts, I was finally able to capture the moment as this adult osprey plunged into the water, creating a massive explosion of droplets. I managed just this one frame that featured the drama of the fish trying to escape.'
Camera: Canon EOS-1D Mark IIN; 300mm lens; 1/500 sec at /2.8; ISO 200; beanbag.
Birds: Albert J. Valentino (below)
Bald Eagles, Homer, Alaska, U.S.
'My goal on this winter trip to Alaska was to spend a full week photographing Bald Eagles. What immediately stood out to me about this composition was that the eagles resemble Olympic winners waiting for someone to hang the appropriate medals around their necks. The winner in the middle appears to literally be taking the younger eagle under his wing as he proudly holds up his head and puffs out his chest. It was a great moment that I was able to quickly compose and capture.'
Camera: Nikon D200; 70-200mm /2.8 lens at 95mm; 1/320 sec at /8, ISO 800; hand-held.

Ghost, Antelope Canyon, Arizona, U.S.
'The biggest lesson I have learned in photography is that timing is everything. No matter how perfect your technique and equipment, if you aren't in the right place at the right time, you simply won t get the shot. In the underground caves of Antelope Canyon, I knew the summer sun would pass directly overhead at midday. As my only opportunity for the shot approached, a narrow sliver of light beamed down through a keyhole onto the sandy canyon floor. At the precise moment I clicked the shutter, my Navajo Indian guide threw a handful of dust into the light. It wasn't until weeks later, when I finally got to review the results of the shoot, that I was able to see the ghostlike human form that emerged. I wondered if the ancient spirits of the canyon were present with me that day.'
Camera: Canon EOS-1Ds Mark II; 16-35mm lens; 1/4 sec at /8; ISO 100; Gitzo tripod.

'For two years I had envisioned making an image depicting hot air balloons as though they are part of the great migration of white-bearded wildebeest across Tanzania into Kenya. With the help of balloon pilot friends, I gathered necessary information on wind direction and flight path where the greatest concentration of animals might occur on each day. Armed with that knowledge and lots of patience, I captured this image when all the elements aligned.'
Camera: Canon EOS 3; 300mm /2.8 lens; 1/500 sec; aperture not recorded; Fujichrome Velvia 100 film; beanbag.

African Elephant, Tsavo East National Park, Near Voi, Coast Province, Kenya
'The African Wildlife Foundation aims to find ways to enable elephants to roam freely through their natural habitats while co-existing peacefully with humans.
'While observing elephants in Tsavo, I was focused on an older female the matriarch of the group. Her raised head and spread ears show that she was alert and watchful.
The photographic challenge here was to capture the moment of eye contact in a sharp close-up before she moved on. Because her skin was so dark, I turned the ISO up to increase the shutter speed. This portrait symbolizes the elephant s strength and the solidarity of the clan.'
Camera: Nikon D300; AF-S VR 300mm /2.8 lens; 1/640 sec at /5.6; ISO 400; beanbag.

Oceans: Clark Little
Twister, North Shore, Oahu, Hawaii, U.S.
'Even for those accustomed to wave photography, some explanation is needed to understand exactly what is going on in this shot: A breaking wave is just a few feet in front of the lens. Beyond the wave is the deep ocean. Where is the beach? It is behind me.
'A half-second after this shot was made, the wave hit me straight on, knocking the camera out of my hand and pulling me into the spinning mass of air and water. I enjoy the power and beauty of the thick bombs that roll through and can usually capture some of those moments without getting slammed. Well, most of the time.
Camera: Nikon D3; 10.5mm fisheye lens; 1/1000 sec at /8; ISO 200; custom underwater fibreglass housing by Taro Pascual at White Water Hawaii; hand-held.

Kiluea Volcano Eruption, Kalapana, Hawaii, U.S.
'Kilauea is the youngest and southeastern-most volcano on the Big Island of Hawaii. This was one of the most dangerous locations I have ever dared photograph. The 2,000 F river of lava was flowing over an unstable bench that had broken out from a tube located just below my feet. I made the decision to cross the lava tube to get to the edge knowing that at any moment rocks from the steamy explosions could come flying my way. I took a calculated risk and as the sun rose, the light was perfect for a few shots. Glad I took the chance at getting some photos, I am also glad that I left when I did. Almost all the land in the image dropped into the ocean just a few hours later.'
Camera: Canon EOS-1Ds Mark II; Sigma 70-200mm /2.8 EX lens at 72mm; 1/800 sec at /8; ISO 400; Gitzo GT-2531 tripod; Arca-Swiss mono ball Z head.
Environmental Issues: Carl Johnson (below right)
Wolf Tracks on Ice, North Fork of the Koyukuk River, Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve, Alaska, U.S.
'This symbolic image represents the past history of the wolf species and the path of its future as it treads on thin ice a visual metaphor for steps made forward and the tracks left behind in the climate of ongoing controversy.
'I was mushing up the North Fork of the Koyukuk River with park ranger Zack Richter when we stopped to give the sled dogs a rest. Looking around on the bare ice, I saw these wolf prints clinging to the sheer ice. A wolf had passed through when there was a thin layer of snow on the ice and the stiff wind had blown away loose snow, leaving the prints behind. Seeing those tracks added to the magic of being in such a wild place in the cold of winter.'
Camera: Nikon D300; A-FS 24-85mm /2.8-4.5 lens at 35mm; 1/80 sec at /22; ISO 400; hand-held.
Polar Bear, Svalbard, Norway
'Polar bears live on top of Arctic sea ice, where they mate and raise their young. Excellent swimmers, they hunt along coastlines mainly for seals and also prey upon walrus, belugas, narwhals, and seabirds. The world s largest terrestrial carnivores are indicators of the ecosystem s health. Due to the effects of climate change, shrinking habitat, and an increase in pollutants in northern waters, their future is uncertain.
'From the frigid waters of the Arctic, this polar bear climbed onto an ice floe for a rest before returning to the water to hunt for food. Water streamed off the bear as it lumbered across the frozen stage and I followed intently through my camera.
While grasping onto a ledge the mighty predator shook to and fro, sending a spray of water droplets in all directions.'
Camera: Canon 3D; 28-300mm L IS lens at 235mm; 1/1600 sec at /13; ISO 500; hand-held.

Green-crowned Brilliant Hummingbird and Green Pit Viper, Santa Rita, Costa Rica
'Tiny, vibrantly coloured hummingbirds are a favourite among wildlife lovers. Of 338 known species, roughly 50 types of these flying jewels live or breed in the tropical lowlands and cloud forests of Costa Rica, where arboreal vipers also live amid the thick foliage.
'I was photographing hummingbirds when I heard the sharp, alarming noise of the birds reacting to the presence of a predator. Sixty feet away from me this green-crowned brilliant was fearlessly attacking a small viper. The long shutter speed and shallow depth of field made it difficult to make an image with both animals sharp.
This encounter was one of the most interesting ones I had ever seen, and I quickly set up two flashes to increase the light and shutter speed, using one flash fired from the background and another from the camera.
Camera: Nikon D700; 300mm /2.8 lens; 1/100 sec at /4; ISO 200; Canon 540EZ flash; Canon 550EX slave; Gitzo carbon tripod; Gitzo fluid head.

Land Crab, Madagascar
Ms Mittermeier said: 'In the end, my goal as a conservation photographer is to make images that are compelling enough to travel far and become iconic symbols for a world that is fast disappearing. Supporting my fellow photographers and their own determined efforts is truly rewarding, and now my life's mission is to help build a better planet.'
Sony DSLR-A900; lens at 16mm; 1/500 sec at ƒ/9; ISO 250; Sony flash.

Black Bear, Vince Shute Wildlife Sanctuary, Orr, Minnesota, U.S.
'The black bears of North America are known to communicate using their keen sense of smell, body and facial expressions, sounds, and touch. Males mark the boundaries of their territory by scent-marking trees.
'This black bear repeatedly scent-marked this particular tree, so I positioned myself nearby and waited. I knew it was just a matter of time before he would appear and commence marking and scratching his back. This grand pose with his arms outstretched struck me as humorous it looked as if he were a circus ringmaster commanding attention with "Ladies and gentlemen!".'
Camera: Canon EOS-1Ds Mark III; 500mm /4 IS lens; 1/640 sec at /5.6; ISO 1600; Gitzo tripod and leveling head; Arca-Swiss B1 ballhead; Wimberley sidekick.
Wildlife: Gero Heine (below right)
Plains Bison, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, U.S.
'I was driving from Mammoth Hot Springs toward Lamar Valley on the only open road in Yellowstone, trying to stay ahead of an approaching cold front. This bison was relatively close to the road and its clean appearance caught my attention. The blustery wind of the approaching winter storm kept its weather-beaten coat free of snow and gave it a smooth, brushed look. Seeking to capture an environmental portrait, I observed this individual for a short period of time. The bison turned its head in my direction to get shelter from the wind and I had my image. When the storm hit later that evening, I was sure this bison was now blanketed in snow.'
Camera: Canon EOS-1D Mark III; EF 500mm /4L IS USM lens; 1/160 sec at /8; ISO 640; hand-held.
Mediterranean Tree Frog, Motril, Granada, Spain
'These slender, long-legged amphibians are barely five inches long. The traction of their claw-like fingers and toes that end in adhesive disks allows them to grip the undersides of slick, wet leaves. One of more than 300 species of arboreal frogs, the Mediterranean tree frog can be found throughout the sunny gardens, streams, and canals of southern France, Spanish Catalonia, southwestern Spain, and southern Portugal. They breed mainly in flooded fields and ponds. During mating season, their distinctive chorus begins at sunset and usually continues until the early hours of the morning. Most active at night, these frogs are not good climbers but get around most easily near the ground.
'Two different pictures of the same tree frog perched then leaping through the air were joined together using Adobe Photoshop to compose a single image that artistically displays the acrobatic action of puddle-jumping.'
Camera: Nikon D3; 70-200mm lens; 1/250 sec at /22; ISO 200; 4 flashes; synchronized infrared barrier; tripod.

Orangutan and Baby, Tanjung Puting National Park, Borneo, Indonesia
'The orangutan is the largest Asian primate and also the largest tree-dwelling mammal. They teach their young at an early age to forage through the dense forest for food more than 60 percent of their diet is comprised of fruits, and they consume a variety of leaves, bark, sap, roots, flowers, birds eggs, and insects as available. With more of their tropical habitat being destroyed every day, especially by palm oil development, the species is being squeezed into smaller and smaller areas of remaining natural rain forest. At the current rate of deforestation, the wild orangutans are predicted to be extinct in fewer than 20 years.
'Being the only surviving species of great ape endemic to Asia, the Bornean and the Sumatran orangutan are highly endangered. After spending many days in the heat and humidity of the rain forest, I was finally rewarded with the images I had hoped for. This mother and her young sat quietly for many minutes before this photo was made.
The juvenile placed his finger on his mother s lower lip in a very gentle way. After a few seconds, the mother wrapped her hand around her son s hand and I caught this tender, intimate moment between parent and young.'
Camera: Canon EOS-1Ds Mark III; EF 24-105mm /4L IS lens at 105mm; 1/250 sec at /4; ISO 400; hand-held.

Wildflowers, Carrizo Plain National Monument, San Luis Obispo County, California, U.S.
'The Carrizo Plain in the eastern San Joaquin Valley is the largest single native grassland in California. Stretching along the base of the Temblor Mountains and the San Andreas Fault, its 250,000 acres provide a wide range of habitats, making it ideal for long-term conservation of many endangered species, as well as rare flora and fauna. The re-establishment of native plants is being studied and planned in this rural, isolated region to save such species as the California jewelflower. The Carrizo Plain was established as a national monument in 2001.
'During a short time each spring, usually in March, the hills of the Carrizo Plain are painted as if by the strokes of an artist s brush with a soft, pastel palette. I was greeted on my visit by weather perfect for photographing the stunning vista of yellow coreopsis, orange San Joaquin blazing star, and purple phacelia flowers in full bloom.'
Camera: Nikon D700; 12-24mm lens at 18mm; circular polarizer glass filter; 1/30 sec at /22; ISO 400; Feisol tripod; Acratech V2 Ultimate ballhead.

Horns of Paine Mountains and Chilean Flamingos, Torres Del Paine National Park, Chile
'Chilling winds from Antarctica roar off the Southern Continental Icefield, causing these mountain passes to be frequently shrouded with dense clouds. Chilean flamingos inhabit the shallow lakes of South America, from the coast of central Peru south to the 14,000-foot altitudes of the Andes in Tierra del Fuego. These birds withstand fierce conditions en route to feeding grounds in the grasslands and saline lakes of Argentina. During flight, the Chilean flamingos communicate with each other by making loud, deep honking or howling sounds.
'My reward after climbing high into Chilean Patagonia was this juxtaposition of pink flamingos against the severe hanging glaciers and soaring granite spires of the Horns of Paine. I wanted to photograph the high elevations at eye level and the trek up into the mountains required much planning and logistics to battle the elements.
The Chilean flamingos had been feeding on a dried lakebed nearby when part of the flock took to the sky and circled overhead. I fired off a sequence of shots in an attempt to show the relationship between the birds and their spectacular, wild habitat. My favourite image came as the birds passed an area of spiked mountain peaks against the menacing, stormy sky, with a glacier visible in the distance.'
Camera: Canon EOS-1D Mark II; 100-400mm L IS lens; 1/2000 sec at /5.6; ISO 160; hand-held.
source: dailymail
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