The puppy that refused to die: Maggie May the lurcher survives shocking torture by callous thugs

-Three mates admit horrific animal cruelty
-They fractured six-month-old's neck and stabbed her with potato peeler
-But RSPCA inspector says Maggie May is happy now

By Daily Mail Reporter

She was left for dead when thugs stamped on her head, fractured her neck and stabbed her with a potato peeler before throwing her over a fence.

But today Maggie May the lurcher is finally putting that horrific day behind her after a terrible case of animal cruelty.

She now happily walks on three legs – the sad result of torture at the hands of three callous brutes – but is now safe in a loving new home and amazingly trusting despite her ordeal.

Maggie May’s nightmare began when she was badly injured after being hit by a taxi.

Rather than rush her to a vet, her 18-year-old owner, Kieran Wynn, first tried his own brand of DIY treatment by attempting to patch her up with a splint made from chopsticks, red lace and Sellotape.

Then two friends came round to his home in Ferryhill, County Durham, and decided to finish her off.

Sick pals Keith Varty and Andrew Painter first tried to kill the six-‑month-old pup by treading on her head and yanking her body, fracturing her neck.

When that failed, and with the puppy in excruciating pain, Painter began repeatedly stabbing her with a potato peeler in a frantic attempt to kill her.

Safe: Three-legged Maggie May with RSPCA inspector Claire Wilson, who is currently caring for her

Then, thinking they had killed her, she was bundled over a fence because they could not be bothered to bury her.

But it was that incompetence that saved her life because she was spotted by a passer-by.

Maggie May, now barely breathing, was taken to the RSPCA who got her the expert veterinary care she so badly needed – yet her recuperation still needed several weeks.

Sick: Maggie May's former owner Kieran Wynne (left) is awaiting sentencing. His mate Andrew Painter (right) has been jailed for 18 weeks

Justice was in part done last week when Varty, 43, of Ferryhill, and Painter, 32, of Spennymoor, were both jailed for 18 weeks and banned from keeping animals for life by Newton Aycliffe magistrates.

Wynn’s sentence was adjourned until later this month. All three admitted cruelty charges.

RSPCA inspector Claire Wilson said: 'This is the most horrible and shocking case I have ever had to deal with, but Maggie May has gone through it and come out the other side.

'She is a happy little dog now.'



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