-Cassie was unable to walk for more than three minutes - and was three times her healthy weight
-Seven-year-old had NEVER eaten ordinary dog food before
By Rob Cooper

An obese border collie fed on a diet of takeaways, chocolate and roast dinners has lost half of her weight in just six months after being put on a strict diet.
Cassie, who was limited to just two bowls of dry dog food per day, shrunk from nine stone two pounds to just 4.5 stone.
The seven-year-old had been fed human food all her life when she was taken in by the Dogs Trust re-homing centre in Kenilworth, Warwickshire.

She ended up weighing nine stone after being left to wolf down large dinners.
But despite shedding 4.5 stone, Cassie has to continue with her strict routine as she is still very overweight. Border collies should not weigh more than three stone.
When the chubby canine was first taken in by the trust two weeks after her elderly owner fell ill, it took three people to lift her.
She was only able to walk for three minutes at a time when staff first put her on a tough exercise regime, The Sun reported.

But now she goes for walks three times a day and works out on the treadmill as she sheds her puppy fat.
Previously she would be given a fish and chip supper on a Friday and a full roast dinner on Sundays.
When she was first taken in, she had to have all of the fur on her body shaved off so staff could treat bed sores on her skin.
She will be given a new owner - but will have to go back to the re-homing centre every two weeks to make sure her weight is not allowed to balloon again.

Big girl: Cassie, right, weighed about 9 stone. A normal border collie should be no more than 3 stone, left
Carer Emma Rex told The Sun: 'She went on a hunger strike because she had never eaten dog food before, but eventually she relented and has made fantastic progress ever since.'
Cassie was left at risk of arthritis, heart disease and liver damage because she was overweight - the same problems faced by an obese human.
When the border collie arrived at Dogs Trust Kenilworth, manager Sandra Wilson said: 'Unfortunately, when owners treat their pets as if they were humans and feed them the wrong food, they're simply killing them with kindness.'
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