By Graham Smith
This orangutan proves why her species is regarded as the world's most intelligent animal, after man.
Idling away her time on a blisteringly hot summer's day at Ragunan Zoo in Jakarta, Indonesia, the primate was only too eager to demonstrate her talents when a bottle of orange juice landed at her feet.
It had been thrown by a well-meaning visitor, wanting to help her manage during the warm weather.

Without a moment's hesitation, the orangutan had unscrewed the bottle top and was happily swigging the refreshing juice.
Her three-month-old baby, meanwhile, was enjoying a small bottle of probiotic drink Yakult.
The 350-acre Ragunan Zoo was established in 1862 and is currently home to 20 orangutans.
As an endangered species, the primate's numbers have dropped to just 40,000 as a result of logging, mining and forest fires.
Found only in South-East Asia on the islands of Borneo and Sumatra, the gentle red ape demonstrates significant intelligence, with an ability to reason and think.

According to research by Harvard University psychologist James Lee, orangutans are the world’s most intelligent animal other than man, with higher learning and problem solving ability than chimpanzees, which were previously considered to have greater abilities.
The name orang-utan translates into English as 'people of the forest'.

Cooling down: The primates enjoy getting themselves wet with the orange drink

Playtime: The 350-acre Ragunan Zoo was established in 1862 and is currently home to 20 orangutans
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