•Vets fitted the casts to help support her weight until they are strong enough to hold her up
By Kerry Mcqueeney

This little donkey must be tickled pink that she has finally been able to take her first steps.
Primrose was born prematurely and the bones in her bowed legs had not fully developed fully, leaving her unable to stand or walk properly.
However now, thanks to vets, the three-week-old foal is not such a wonky donkey any more after she was fitted with bright pink casts.

The colourful casts were fitted to her two front legs to help support her bodyweight until they are strong enough to hold her up.
Far from restricting Primrose, the casts have proved no barrier to her wanderings. The little donkey has been spotted bounding around and trying to befriend horses.
She is being treated at the Bind Equine Veterinary Practice in Bridgnorth, Shropshire.
Veterinary staff worker Kate Maxwell said: 'Primrose was born prematurely which is not very common and she couldn’t stand or walk very well.
'She belongs to a local family who keep donkeys and they called us to say there was a problem.
'We brought her back here and she’s been wearing the casts for a week. Because her legs are bowed, her knee bones would be crushed under the weight.
'We hope that in ten days time the casts can come off and she will have made a full recovery. She’s perfectly happy now, she can run around and jump.
'Even in the few days that Primrose has been with us we’ve seen a great improvement in her condition.
'She’s very sociable. There aren’t any donkeys here but she’s showing off her lovely pink casts to the other horses. She’s proved very popular with visitors and she poses for pictures.'

Primrose with her owner Michelle Rickards. The casts haven't hindered the little donkey, who has been bounding around while wearing them

Because her legs are bowed, Primrose's knee bones would have been crushed under the weight were it not for the casts. It is hoped they can be removed in 10 days
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