Are you over planking? Bored of owling? Tired of Tebowing?
A Facebook group dedicated to dressing cats in bread, and promoted by blogs across the internet, is attempting to create a new internet trend.
'Breading' could be taking off because it combines apparently random behaviour with the web's favourite animal.

The Facebook page - entitled 'Putting bread on your cat, so that people think you have a walking sandwich' - has more than 10,000 fans.
It encourages its followers to post their own pictures of the wacky activity, and suggests that they might like to try using tiger bread to do it.
But while there is no doubting the authenticity of the photos uploaded by enthusiastic cat-owners, the breading craze may not be quite as much of a grassroots movement as it seems.

Serene: This laid-back cat appears to accept its owner's whim without getting agitated

Surprise: The pussy clearly didn't anticipate being ambushed with a wholegrain loaf

The craze got a big boost from blog site Gawker, which claimed yesterday morning that 'all the cool kids' had started breading - and just an hour later boasted: 'Now people can't stop talking about breading!'
By the evening, another post appeared which claimed that breading had already 'jumped the shark' and lost its cool exclusivity.
The whole thing seemed like an elaborate inside joke, spoofing the nature of short-lived crazes which are more likely to be talked about than actually participated in.

Craze: But breading may have been promoted as an ironic commentary on internet memes in general

Popular: Whatever its origins, breading has quickly taken off among a certain sector of pet owners

Nonetheless, plenty of internet users seem happy to use their cats as tools for their own amusement, and perhaps breading really will catch on in the long term.
If you want to do it yourself, you need only two ingredients: bread and cat. Soft bread is recommended, both for your own convenience and for the cat's comfort.
Punch out a head-shaped hole in the middle of the bread, and insert your cat's head therein.
And be sure to take a picture, to capture that special moment for posterity.

Yawn: The victim of breading looks like it would prefer a return to less cat-intensive practices like planking

On the up: But it remains to be seen how long breading will remain popular with notoriously fickle netizens
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